What benefits to skip your full day meal once a week

5 min readFeb 25, 2019
Skipping meal once a week

Many a time i heard about people not eating for 1,3,8 days or even for the weeks and months. That make me wonder and to analyze why people do so.

I collected information about this and upon knowing great benefits of it i myself started practicing it. And after doing it for successive 4 weeks I am pretty much familiar and experienced to share about it.

Burger Giveaway………….. :-)

Fasting is a longstanding part of many religious traditions. Whether a person is fasting or not, the body still needs energy. Its primary energy source is a sugar called glucose, which usually comes from carbohydrates.

The liver and muscles store the glucose and release it into the bloodstream whenever the body needs it. However, during fasting, this process changes. After about 8 hours of fasting, the liver will use the last of its glucose reserves. At this point, the body enters into a state called gluconeogenesis, marking the body’s transition into fasting mode.

Studies have shown that gluconeogenesis increases the number of calories the body burns. With no carbohydrates coming in, the body creates its own glucose using mainly fat. At this point, a person’s metabolism slows down, and their body begins burning muscle tissue for energy.

Some facts and key points to keep in mind while practicing:

Before you proceed
  • Drink water: This is especially important if circumstances prevented it during the fast.
  • Eat a small meal: Eating a large meal immediately after a fast can strain the digestive system.
  • Chew food thoroughly: Chew each bite at least 30 times.
  • Eat cooked foods: Go for foods that are easier to digest, such as cooked vegetables instead of raw.
  • Avoid experimenting: Trying new foods after a fast can make digestion harder and may make a person feel ill.

Water Intake is necessary:

Water Intake

Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining everyday health, whether a person is eating or not. Many health authorities recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses (about 2 liters) of water every day.

When fasting for 24 hours, some people consume other beverages such as tea, black coffee, or zero-calorie sweetened drinks.

What it feels like….

Feels like being different.

This practice or similar practices in which you need to change your natural habit and come out of your comfort zone is not at all easy, as of my personal experience.

You will see your friends and family eating things and smiling and blah blah…. and one thing happens to me a lot that whenever its my fasting day, my friends are eating delicious dishes and that it the most crucial part to control yourself. You may feel like let it go, I will be having next week too……, But if you control at this point, trust me after while you will feel good about yourself.

One more thing it saves time as now you don’t have think about what I’m going to have today in lunch or dinner. And also improves your concentration, this is due to now you are only thinking about things to do and staying long at work.

Guys also see when to avoid it:

See cat is giving you advise….

Although it is generally safe, going a day without eating can be risky for some people, including:

  • people with diabetes
  • people with a history of eating disorders
  • people using medications that they must take with food
  • children and adolescents
  • those who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Here comes the sweet part: [BENEFITS]

Benefits of Fasting

As shahrukh khan says at the end everything comes out to be good. So lets jump to the good side of fasting:

1.Promotes Blood Sugar Control by Reducing Insulin Resistance

Several studies have found that fasting may improve blood sugar control, which could be especially useful for those at risk of diabetes. Decreasing insulin resistance can increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin, allowing it to transport glucose from your bloodstream to your cells more efficiently.

2. Promotes Better Health by Fighting Inflammation

While acute inflammation is a normal immune process used to help fight off infections, chronic inflammation can have serious consequences for your health. One study in 50 healthy adults showed that intermittent fasting for one month significantly decreased levels of inflammatory markers

3.May Enhance Heart Health by Improving Blood Pressure, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels

Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death around the world, accounting for an estimated 31.5% of deaths globally. One small study revealed that eight weeks of alternate-day fasting reduced levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides by 25% and 32% respectively

4.May Boost Brain Function and Prevent Neurodegenerative Disorders.

Though research is mostly limited to animal research, several studies have found that fasting could have a powerful effect on brain health. Because fasting may also help relieve inflammation, it could also aid in preventing neurodegenerative disorders.

5.Aids Weight Loss by Limiting Calorie Intake and Boosting Metabolism

Many dieters pick up fasting looking for a quick and easy way to drop a few pounds. In fact, one review showed that whole-day fasting could reduce body weight by up to 9% and significantly decrease body fat over 12–24 weeks

6.Could Delay Aging and Extend Longevity

In one study, rats that fasted every other day experienced a delayed rate of aging and lived 83% longer than rats that didn’t fast

Thank You.

